Development Of Ethno Pharmacy In Indonesia

Ethnobotany is a term that can be interpreted as a science that studies the relationship between humans and plants in their use from generation to generation in an ethnic group. Indonesia is the largest archipelagic country in the world with 17,508 islands and inhabited by more than 360 ethnic groups.

Plant potential at Irenggolo Water Fall

This makes Indonesia rich in cultural diversity and traditions, so that in medicine, especially natural ingredients, Indonesia has a variety of treatment formulas. Ethnomedicine develops based on culture by utilizing natural materials passed down from generation to generation for treatment and care by ethnic groups.

The principle of treatment in Indonesia is symptomatic, not causal, predominantly curative rather than preventive, carried out by public healers and home healers, using herbs or without herbs, for prevention generally in the form of abstinence and food medicine.

Processing and use of ethnomedicine is concocting medicinal concoctions with a single formula or various combinations of medicinal plants. The processing method is usually in the form of boiling medicinal plants and pounding them. How to use the treatment system in the form of a ready-to-drink brew, which can be mixed with bath water, in the form of steam for inhalation and a direct body massage system. Duration of use until changes in body condition occur or until recovery occurs.

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Stages of development of traditional medicine through conventional medical approaches and reverse evidence.

Medical approaches include:

- Selection of plant materials

- Making extracts

- Preclinical testing

- Fractionation-Preclinical Tests

- Toxicity Test

- Standardization

- Clinical Trials

- Discovery of active isolates

Reverse proof

- Selection of empirical ingredients

- Preparation of traditional preparations, steeping or pressing

- Clinical observation

- Determination of active fraction

- Determination of active isolates

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The current development of herbal medicine in Indonesia in medicine is based on developments in scientific data, so in formal health services it is based on evidence based medicine.

The grouping of traditional medicines in Indonesia is divided into herbal medicine, standardized herbal medicine and phytopharmaca. Herbal medicine is basically safe according to requirements, efficacy claims are based on empirical data. Standard herbal medicines are safe according to requirements, efficacy claims are based on scientific or pre-clinical research and standard raw materials in finished products. Phytopharmaceuticals are safe according to requirements, efficacy claims are based on clinical trials, standard raw materials in finished products.

Several studies such as antihypertensive ethnomedicine studies on ethnic Chinese in Mulyorejo district, Surabaya. Ethnomedicine study to treat coughs from the perch tribe in Malang.

Plants used in the treatment of hypertension include apium graviolens, orthosiphon stamineus. Treatment of diabetes using the Cinnamomum burmani plant.




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